This week, we talked about emerging economies and the effect that international factor movement has
had upon them. My country is Brazil. I will be cover the information about how trade has impacted the
economic conditions with Brazil.
There are top five emerging economies in the world; which are China, India, Russia, Brazil, and
Turkey. "Currently Brazil's economy is considered as the 8th largest in the world. It is considered as
one of the fastest growing nations in the world. Brazil's economy is mainly determined by the relatively
free market as well as inward-oriented economy. The GDP growth rate is 5% approx per annum".
(Incredible Diary, 2011)
Brazil total value of exports: $199.7 billion
Primary exports goods: transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee, and automotive.
Total value of imports: $187.7 billion
Primary imports goods: machiner, electrical and transport equipment, chemical products, oil, automotive
parts, and electronics.
In fact, Brazil joined in numerous of international economic organizations which would help it develop
the domestic economy. After that, Brazil had been increased the business transaction with hundreds of
trading partners. In nowadays, Brazil is a rising star in the emerging economies of the world.