
How open to openness are you?

This is my first blog!!! I'm going to talk about the openness.

Openness means exports plus imports divided by the gross domestic product of a country. It is relate to 

economy of each country very deeply. Exports and imports are both important for a country. People 

need to learn what they don't know from others and disseminate information what they know very well 

to others. It can makes our life better. In other words, globalization is each country's mission to 

develop their politics, technology, culture and economy.

I am from China. China is a country which have more than five thousands cultural history. China is not 

openness at all in the past. We didn't trade anything from the other countries. Later, we joined in the 

trade organization in 2001. Our country's economy becomes better. The diagram below is 

show us the development of exports and imports in China.

China is still a growth country. 

Even though we developed our country's economy extremely fast, our labor force are cheap. In 2009, 

China become the biggest exports country in the world. On the other hand, China is the secondary 

biggest imports country. Openness is so important for us, also for each country. 

